Friday, February 22, 2013


Selling lollipops was a very odd experience today. For starters it was freezing again, ( this seems to be a common theme) and I was forced to be in my school uniform so I looked proper. We were selling lollipops to support esophageal cancer and they were really good lollipops, I had to test them to make sure they were good enough to sell. I was paired with a girl form my school named Ali who was really good at selling lollipops. I was a bit on the quieter side. We actually sold quite a lot, come people would give us money, but didn't feel like having a lolly, which I thought was odd. It was my first time going into the busy center streets of Dublin and walking around. I didn't get to go into any shops because I was Ellington candy but it was still cool. Dublin has tons of people going in a out and none of them ever seem to mind the cold, it's like a superpower. There were also lots of street performers and homeless people that you would find in any big city. The street performers were really good though and made the 3 hours we were selling go by really fast. We took a break in the middle to get some food, all the girls were really excited because there was a McDonalds in town. The McDonald's here are very nice, and much larger than the ones at home. I got curly fries, and they serve muffins and these Cadbury Carmel mcflurries that look to die for. The area we were in was like shopping heaven, I can't wait to go back. One of the thing that amazes me about girls here is how independent they are. We were let out of break at school today, told where to go, and let out to find our way there. Most girls took the dart or the bus, but the administration just trusted that they could get there on their own! No one thought it was weird at all!
Cassie volunteered to sell lollipops tomorrow so I get to go back to town tomorrow. We are selling in the morning and then have the rest of the day to explore which will be really fun. Tomorrow it will officially be one week that I've been here!

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