Sunday, March 10, 2013


I can handle the rain, and a little wind, but the wind in Ireland today has been nonstop and noisy. Despite the horrid weather Cassie and I still braved the elements to go into to town to go souviner shopping. On two occasions it started to snow while we were walking. We went to these really kitschy souviner shops for tourists to go and spend money in to buy things with DUBLIN plastered on it. I tried to be as discerning as possible when selecting gifts. When we were in the stores they would be playing Irish folky songs, and Cassie always knew them! I guess it's an Irish thing. In fact as I type Cassie is next to me on YouTube looking up the songs she remembered from today. Our trip into town wasn't that exciting or eventful today, just cold. I did get to have an insomnia hot chocolate, which I am now convinced is the greatest hot chocolate in the world. Today is Mother's day here, which is weird because it's a different day in America. I didn't know that at first though, so I was feeling really guilty until I googled it. Tomorrow I will officially only have one more week in Ireland, which makes me really sad. Next week is an Irish Heritage week leading up to St. Patrick's Day (including my sure to be fabulous rendition of Locked Out of Heaven) which should be fun. We will be going into town next weekend for the big holiday which I am really excited for. I don't want to leave here, but I'm also really excited for Cassie and all the girls to come and experience America. I know we are going to have so much fun, I am so glad I decided to come here and have the chance to meet all these wonderful people. I'm getting ahead of myself! I still have one more week and I am going to make it count!

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